07 Dec

Regnans - Serpent Sheds Its Skin (2021) 


Raw Black Metal 

Regnans is a solo project which takes its name from Eucalyptus regnans, a native Australian tree. Exclusiely composed by the sole member Quoll (Woeblood, Moon Labyrinth, Advanced Hatred), Regnans has 2 demos, 2 splits and 1 album under his name. Regnan’s new album “Serpent Sheds Its Skin” was released by Dark Adversary Productions in 2021.

 In The Beginning- the introduction of “Serpent Sheds Its Skin” starts with a horror movie theme with bass and guitar kicks this album into gear. 

Serpent Sheds Its Skin- the title track starts with punk inspired drums and a vampiric tone while jumpy guitars and eerie synth vocals invoke the vampire spirit. The riffs hit you right in the feels with raw black metal at its finest. At the 3:11 mark, eerie synth with clean guitar sounds has an emotive feel as the serpent finally sheds it skin and becomes anew.

Poison Seeps The Vein- Raw, depressive clean guitars start this track off and moves into a pure dsbm riff. The timing is perfect with the drums and bass- shifting into clean guitars over distortion with a distinctly sorrowful feel. Clean guitars finish up an excellent track. 

The Carcass Rots- slow clean and distorted guitars with a melancholy and ambient feel kicks off this track. It meanders in and out throughout the track like a lone vampire in his castle for 1000 years while synth starts as it finishes with that synth. 

Interlude- displays his diverse musicianship with a folk inspired instrumental of clean guitars with reverb. 

Spirits Of The Asylum- strong mid-paced riff starts this track off with punky over tones and evil in the old ways of the black flame that is black metal of the 90s and late 80s reigns strong with Regnans, at 2:28 there a cool tremolo solo then goes back to the mid-paced riff with hit of synth until the end. 

Ancient Graves- a punky black metal riff kicks of this track well as it jumps between riffs with Scandinavian black metal style as the vocals are raspy and the drums with punk beat awesome song in obscvre ears good end to music. 

War Ow Fordh Hir (The End)- the outro for the “Serpent Sheds Its Skin” shows Quoll he’s dark ambient side with very deep bass drops that are very raw and dark great end to the album. 

Overall if you like your black metal raw, vampiric and has a little bit of melancholy and Misanthropy this one is for you until next time, keep the black flame alive. 


1.    In The Beginning     01:49

2.   The Serpent Sheds Its Skin     04:12

3.   Poison Seeps The Vein     04:11

4.   The Carcass Rots     05:04

5.   Interlude     01:32

6.   Spirits Of The Asylum     04:09

7.   Ancient Graves     04:09

8.   War Ow Fordh Hir (The End)     1:27


C.D: Regnans - "Disdain for Humanity" CD | Dark Adversary (bigcartel.com)

Bandcamp: Music | Regnans (bandcamp.com)

Youtube: https://youtu.be/kNY4hAt27YI


Site: Home | Dark Adversary (bigcartel.com)

Instagram: Azgorh (@dark.adversary) • Instagram photos and videos 

Facebook: Dark Adversary Productions | Facebook

Youtube: Dark Adversary - YouTube

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