12 Jan

MONARQUE- “Jusqua’a la Morte” (Ep) 2019 

Quebec City, Quebec Canada 

Black Metal 

Monarque are a four-piece black metal band from Quebec, Canada. After numerous line-up changes, 3 demos, 6 splits, 2 compilations, one live album and a collaboration- These Quebecoise black metallers are back with their 2019 EP through Sepulchral Productions. 

A cold and dismal Quebecois black metal feel with harsh screaming vocals add an atmospheric and mournful sound to Monarque’s release. The guitar riffs are both emotive and depressive while layers of synth add a layer of dark melancholy to the icy feeling black metal tones. 

Atmospheric and haunting French spoken samples launch the listener into the onslaught that is “Jusqua’a la Morte”. “Le Serment Pronouncee’ commences with the icy black metal approach the listener has come to expect of Monarque while a brief instrumental break shows the melodic approach that continues through this track into a mid-paced galloping onslaught. 

A haunting and mournful string instrumental section introduces “La Grand Deuil” before launching the listener into a pure depressive and emotively mournful track with the continued string and layered guitar section adding another emotive and sorrowful tone. 

The use of instrumental breaks adds an unsettling touch yet add a reflective feel before launching the listener straight back into the sheer chaos of this track. Vocals are added quite late into this track, but it is exceptionally well done as it allows time for the listener to appreciate the musical layers within this track before adding yet more harsh intensity with the vocals. 

A dramatic and depressive release- Monarque have created an excellent example of Quebecois black metal in “Jusqua’a La Morte” and I look forward to hearing more of their material. 


1: Jusqu'à la mort 

2: Le serment prononcé 

3: Le grand deuil

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